Friday 31 August 2007

A work of Art

SOAS Lagoon - Mahligai

SOAS mosque is one of the most beautiful landmarks in Asia. The mosque was completed in 1958 and named after the then Sultan of Brunei; Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III. Its magnificent design which combines Islam and the Brunei Culture makes it unique, and stands as a symbol of strong Islamic faith.

I remember my first time setting foot at the mosque, I was probably 5 or 6. The main attraction for us then was the fountain next to the entrance. We didn't really think about its history and its design. Now, having taken up photography, (and I must say the mosque is probably the most photographed building/place in all of Brunei), I appreciate the design and the beautiful scenary that it has added to Bandar Seri Begawan more. It's no wonder that Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III is remembered as "The Architect of Modern Brunei".

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